Tetrad Loose covers
Owning a high quality piece of furniture such as a Tetrad sofa is one of the best investments you can make in your new home. The quality build of Tetrad furniture gives you peace of mind knowing that it will last decades, or lifetimes, without the core structure ever breaking down.
Unfortunately not even the finest craftsmanship can protect sofas from having their fabric ripped, torn, or stained. If your sofa has been damaged or you simply want to give your furniture a new look, Tetrad loose covers from Eeze Covers are the perfect solution.
We have a large inventory of Tetrad templates that allow us to create high-quality Tetrad loose covers that will leave your sofa as good as new but cost just a fraction of purchasing a new sofa. We carry templates from all types of modern sofas as well as discontinued models so no matter how old your furniture is we can provide Tetrad loose covers for you. In the case that we somehow do not have your model as a template our expert tailors can create custom Tetrad loose covers so your new cover fits perfectly, looks great, and lives up to the test of time.
We offer hundreds of different fabric types, colours, patterns, and designs that can be used to create your Tetrad loose covers so you can match your furniture to your home’s décor, whether you are looking for something neutral and subtle or bold and eye catching.
Use the button on the right side of the page to request a free set of sample materials; this will allow you to examine just how high-quality our fabrics are. If you have any questions feel free to stop by our main showroom in West Yorkshire or give us a call at 01484 400 116.
We also cover all older Tetrad models which have been discontinued from tetrad range.
To include:
Abbey Adelphi Admiral Alana Alicia Alexis Annabel Ambassador Astoria Berkeley Blythe Bolshoi Bozart Britten Brooklyn Bugatti Burghley Buster Cabriole Cambridge Cassius Carla Cezanne Chancelloe Chatsworth Chelsea Churchill Cleopatra Cossack Cuba Debussy Degas Eastchester Eastwood Edward Elgar Ellen Emily Emma Faded Glory Francesca Gatsby Goodwood Hamilton Harlequin Hartwell Havana Hayworth Hexham Infinity Isabelle Izmir Julia Kadinsky Kensington Lagonda Lavinia Lexington Lucy Ludgate Magellan Milan Monroe Mozart Naomi Nelson Nicole Old homer Panama Polo Regent Romsey Rousseu Rugby Rumpole Sandown Sarah Saratoga Sheraton Tanya Vivaldi Washington Zanzabar Zhivago
We cover nationally to include:
avon, bedfordshire, berkshire, buckinghamshire, cambridgeshire, cheshire, cleveland, cornwall, cumberland, cumbria, derbyshire, devon, dorset, essex, gloucestershire, greater london, greater manchester, hampshire, herefordshire, hertfordshire, humberside, huntingdon, kent, lancashire, leicestershire, lincolnshire, london, merseyside, middlesex, norfolk, northamptonshire, northumberland, north yorkshire, nottinghamshire, oxfordshire, peterborough, rutland, shropshire, somerset, south yorkshire, staffordshire, suffolk, surrey, sussex, tyne and wear, warwickshire, west midlands, westmoreland, west yorkshire, wiltshire, worcestershire, yorkshire,birmingham, cardiff, edinburgh, essex, leeds, london, newcastle, nottingham